Thursday, September 9, 2010

Soccer Mom

Well today is my day off so I get the pleasure of taking 4 of my boys and my oldest granddaughter to soccer today. It is their second game and I missed the first one on Tuesday. So I am excited about going. I plan to take the camera because the hubby isn't much of a photographer. Work has been going great since the hall change. I did work last night filling in on the other rotation and got to work my old hall. It was great to be back in comfortable territory where I know everyone and their meds! That was the earliest I have finished a med round in over a week! I know that by the end of this weekend I will have the new hall and their meds down pat and be able to speed up.  I did get to spend most of the morning at the doctor office after getting off work. Thank goodness for my phone with Facebook!!! I have a great phone, the HTC Hero, but I have yet to figure out how to use all the cool apps that can be downloaded to it. I am just happy to be able to go online and read Facebook and the gossip mags.

On a cooler note for me, is going to be publishing more of my humor lists. This one is for the CNA's. I hope ya'll enjoy it!

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